Ont Road #13 / Go Fuck Yourself #1 (UK, 2010)

Ont Road 13
Go Fuck Yourself 1

Ont Road #13 / Go Fuck Yourself #1 split zine. This issue features a travel report to a darts tournament in Holland, in-depth band features on Teenage Bottlerocket, Leatherface & Manic Street Preachers, a Sotatila / Pisschrist Euro tour diary, crimethinc writings, football stories, zine and record reviews.

This is a split zine with a fellow writer (ex- DUHH) who shares the love of alcohol and travel, conveyed through his new incarnation as GO FUCK YOURSELF. Inside are articles about travels in Los Angeles, St Petersburg to Beijing, New York to California, and an interview with Thou.

Ont Road 13
Go Fuck Yourself 1